Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Live Simply ~ Part 2"

This is only my take on living simple to each their own.  How I live is how I like living, so my lifestyle might seem odd to you but it makes me happy.  

"Simplicity is the peak of civilization" ~ Jessie Sampter  

Less can be more for me.  
The less clutter on my dresser, the better I feel about that piece of furniture. My mind is more at ease.  When I clean out my email the same feeling.  Decluttering basically gives me control over my future emotions, where a mess would give me anxiety.  Tidy up now and save myself the grief of spending hours later.  OCD maybe? No, this is how I function.  Without organization I would lose my mind.  But this isn't only about year round spring cleaning, but keeping my mind zen.  Balance. Without balance in my life I cannot function, so I create my own balance.  Simple mindset, simple lifestyle.  

I will be good to people.
This world can be ugly, we need more good in the world so I like to be a part of the good realm.  Having uplifting conversations with total strangers, giving to the needy and I'm not talking about dropping a bag of stuff off at the Goodwill. Give one of my two Egyptian cotton sheet sets to a woman who has no sheets to sleep on.  Give her my shirt if she likes it, I have more shirts at home. I believe in karma. 

I will be positive.
Even when the negative looms all around me.  I love my fiancée with all my heart, however he is filled with negative energy.  He radiates negativity to the point to where I have to get away from him.  My fiancée is an extreme pessimist.  He looks at the bad before envisioning what good could come out of the situation.  I think happy thoughts therefore I am.  He thinks I'm some "hippie, spiritualist nature lover", I'm ok with this label.  I'm nice even when he's mean, I kill with kindness which is fail safe.  

I will be slow to anger.
Anger is evil, it harvests demons that create more evil. I make the conscious choice to not be angry.  Yes, I DO and have gotten angry however it's a rare occasion and I'm only human. I can only control so much on my own, and the rest to the universe.  Nothing works right when I do it with anger, and I like things to work right.  I don't scream or yell at my children to correct them, it only makes the situation worse and teaches them dysfunctional communicative skills with others.  I teach patience by showing it, and it has paid off.  

I will sacrifice.
The happiness of my children is at the top of my priority list in life.  Being a mother has taught me everything I'm telling you here.  I will jump through hoops to see that my kids are happy.  I love to talk to them about everything life has to offer, long talks when they are sad.  I have raised good well-rounded children and they have the foundation they need to build a strong future, and that's my purpose as a mother.  Creating "good" people.  I sacrifice having a polished wardrobe, mani's and pedi's, haircuts, junk food, and all things glam so they can have whatever makes them happy.  Seeing a smile on their face is like Christmas morning, addicting.  The more they laugh the less they cry, make them laugh and be silly with my kids.  

I read the Bible.
I'm not going to preach, but this book teaches good therefore I read and apply the lessons to my daily life.  My golden rule is to treat others as you would have them treat you.  If I had two of the same thing, one being in worse shape than the other, I will give the best of the two.  If you're girlfriend has two pairs of jeans to loan you, would you honestly accept the jeans with that noticeable stain? If I was the one loaning the jeans, my friend gets the better pair.  It might not matter to her, however I'm happy inside when I know I've made that simple sacrifice.  Living simple involves a lot of sacrice for me.  

I will connect with nature everyday.  
Even if it's just a brief walk on my deck, I want the fresh air in my lungs and the sunshine on my face. Ultimately, I love gardening and digging in the dirt.  The earth has an energy field all it's own, and I tap into that daily.  Now am I sounding odd? Ha.  

I will stay busy.
My idle mind is a dangerous mind.  I don't need to lie around all day so that my mind wanders off course.  I have never been bored, even when I have nothing to do.  Having nothing to do is actually a great time to DO something, so I meditate. I envision positive things happening, I make goals and plans, I might teach myself something new.  I have several "projects" going so that I always have something to look forward too.  I'm up with the sun, and down with the moon. Meaning I only sleep when my body says too and that's not much and I'm ok with this.  I will never have a maid, or a nanny for my kids.  My house and my children are solely MY responsibility and no one else's.  

I will eat "clean".
You might not agree with my diet whatsoever.  I even think it's a bit odd, ha....but it works for me.  My diet is no diet at all, I only eat food to nourish my body. I don't eat food to diminish hunger.  I do stay away from meat, bread, and all junk.  Yes, ALL junk.  It feels gross to eat something I know isn't going to promote a healthier lifestyle, after all I do want to be here to see my children grow up.  I don't crave junk, because my body rejects it. I believe we are what we eat. 

I will be content with what I have.
This world is so materialistic these days, with big fancy possessions being some peoples "goals". If I had a million dollars, I would have a million dollar home.  I do not have a million dollars though, therefore I do to live in a million dollar home, and that's ok because I'm happy with my home.  It's big enough to meet our family's needs yet small enough to afford and keep clean.  I am not ashamed of my home that I toil so hard over every day of my life.  I will not idolize my possessions, and like any woman I have things like jewelry, perfume, highheels, dress clothes, nice cars (all paid for). So if I lost everything I have, I don't lose much.  This might tie into my childhood a bit, I've become accustomed to losing things, friends and loved ones which makes it hard for me to deeply connect with the outside world.  I don't like to become attached to things or people (except for my kids and fiancée).  I have had a lot of things in my life, as well as lost them.  Going without something always has made me appreciate it more.  I'm ok with not ever owning a pair of Louboutins, but yes sure they're beautiful.  I might not ever have a five carat diamond ring, I'm happy with the one I have.  I hope you see where I'm going with this.  I don't miss something I've never had.  

I will be honest.
Truly as cliche as this sounds, honesty IS the best policy for me. Lies beget lies, and can distinguish trust in my relationships.  I want those that love me and trust in me to know I will do as I say.  When I am faced with a question I don't like to answer, I tackle the response with candid honesty. For me it's easier to go ahead and deal with the circumstances at hand face-to-face rather than letting the problem fester.  Talk, communicate openly with my family and friends.  

I will sing everyday. 
Music has always been a big part of my life. I love to sing, it makes me happy inside.  Music can uplift me, it can be my friend when I have none.  

I will be happy.
This is MY choice and no one else's.  I can either choose to be in a bad mood or a good one. I will not let my environment control me or my emotions.  I have cried of course, like I've said I'm only human. 

Zen is my mantra, balance, peace, harmony. This how I "live simply". 

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