I've had a couple of people say to me, "pump! Give him a bottle so you can do stuff!" I tried at first and couldn't handle the guilt of seeing a bottle in his mouth. I can't pump a lot anyways because he eats so often. Daniels doctor said to give him 4 ounces of water per one tsp of sugar to help relieve his bowels. He does very well with a bottle, and I'm actually ok with it now. He still nurses like a champ.
At the end of October, baby Daniel stopped pooping on his own so I got concerned and called the doc. She said to try a few different things and the only one that worked was a children's suppository. Bless his little heart he pooped so much, it looked like I poured a bottle of mustard in his diaper. He had to of felt better I'm sure. Another week goes by, no poopy....then another week. I went ahead and took him to see his doctor just to make sure he was ok. She checked him and said everything was fine, to try the sugar water and wait it out. I couldn't imagine going that long without pooping! So between what I thought was colic and constipation, I guess it's all just "normal". It's not like I'm starting over here, or that I don't know what I'm doing but it's been 12 yrs for me and I'm worried about stuff just like a new mommy would be. I'll write more later and update on his poop status, be assured.
Baby Daniel is growing so fast and developing well too. He loves when people talk to him, he coos and makes all kinds of cute noises. He's laughed, but only in his sleep. He's holding his head up but doesn't like laying on his tummy too much right now. Daniel is letting the family hold him for longer periods of time without fussing, that's really made things more enjoyable at home.
We've been out and about a bunch now, daddy and I decided to wait until he was about 6 weeks old before we did any venturing. Daniel loves car rides! If he's screaming, the riding calms him right down and usually puts him to sleep. He also loves his bath time and swinging in his swing.
Now for the stuff I don't really care to talk about.....post partum depression. I've always been tough emotionally, but I guess now I'm older things realllllly seem to bug me more. They do this little test thing where you circle your answers and it's supposed to tell your doc if you're depressed or not. I didn't know how it was scored all I know is that the nurse was surprised at how low my score was. I basically told her I'm miserable and that I was feeling overwhelmingly guilty about everything. Like I said earlier, felt like I was going to lose my mind. She suggested I start on an anti-depressant and I didn't want to but I filled the script and went on about my business. The bottle of Zoloft sat on my bedside table for about two weeks, and with that I cried with guilt and anxiety for two weeks. I finally broke and began my prescription hoping it would help. So far I've almost completed one solid months worth, and I can honestly say I feel a ton better already. No guilt, no extreme anxiety, no boo-hooing. The guilt and crying were the worst I would have to say. I felt like I had to be doing something all the time. I didn't want to take any pills, but I'm glad that I'm happier so baby can be happy too.
So were working on a three month old here at home, and it's wonderful. Life around here is so much better now. We have a lot to look forward too as a family. It's never always easy, life is hard to say the least. But some words of wisdom from a woman who is still alive at 102, and was married for 80 years her secret to a long marriage and life is "roll with the punches!"
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